Health Care
Nature's Way Advanced Omega Triple Strength Fish Oil 60 Capsules
Nature's Way Advanced Omega Triple Strength Fish Oil 60 Capsules
Expired Date: 03.2023
Nature's Way Odourless Triple Strength Fish Oil 60 Capsules + 10 Bonus Provides 540 mg of EPA and 360 mg of DHA in just one capsule: that's three times as powerful as regular 1000 mg fish oil.
Nature's Way Odourless Triple Strength Fish Oil is molecularly distilled so you don't get any fishy taste or reflux.
Omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentatonic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) provide anti-inflammatory properties.
Nature's Way Odourless Triple Strength Fish Oil Can support:
Brain and eye health, Cardiovascular system health, Joint health, Joint mobility/flexibility*
Nature's Way Odourless Triple Strength Fish Oil may help with decreasing:
Mild joint aches and pains*
Mild joint inflammation and swelling*
*Associated with the symptoms of mild arthritis/mild osteoarthritis
Adults: For general health and wellbeing: 1 capsule daily with food.
For cardiovascular health: 2 capsules daily with food.
For joint health - relieving symptons of mild arthritis: 4 capsules spread over the course of the day, with food. E.g. one capsule in the morning, followed by another two at lunch, and the final one at dinner.
Or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
If symptoms persist, talk to your healthcare professional.
Store below25C
Sante PC Eye Drops - 12ml - Original Santen Japan
Sante PC Eye Drops - 12ml - Original Santen Japan
EXP. Date: 03.2022
Mata tegang sedikit demi sedikit setiap hari oleh cahaya biru dari monitor PC dan smartphone, yang disebut lampu biru. Sante PC mengandung vitamin B12, yang meningkatkan fungsi kontrol fokus mata, natrium kondroitin sulfat, yang melindungi kornea, dan vitamin B6, yang memaksimalkan metabolisme jaringan pada mata yang rusak. Delapan bahan tersebut adalah tetes mata yang menyegarkan dan nyaman yang meningkatkan iritasi dan kelelahan mata. Ini efektif untuk mata yang lelah dari mereka yang sering menatap PC dan telepon pintar.
※ Konsentrasi maksimum pembuatan obat tujuan umum dan kriteria persetujuan pemasaran: vitamin B12, ester natrium kondroitin sulfat, vitamin B6
Thursday Plantation Peppermint Oil - Headache Relief 25ml - Original Made In Australia
Thursday Plantation Peppermint Oil - Headache Relief 25ml
EXP. 11.2024
Thursday Plantation Peppermint Oil 100% Murni dan 100% Alami dan dapat membantu merilekskan dan meredakan ketegangan yang berkaitan dengan sakit kepala
Minyak peppermint memiliki berbagai kegunaan.
Beberapa dari banyak kegunaan dan manfaat minyak peppermint termasuk:
1. Meringankan Nyeri Otot dan Sendi
2. Perawatan Sinus dan Manfaat Pernafasan Lainnya
3. Bantuan Alergi Musiman
4. Meningkatkan Energi dan Meningkatkan Kinerja Latihan
5. Mengurangi Sakit Kepala
6. Memperbaiki Gejala Sindroma Iritasi Usus
7. Menyegarkan Napas dan Mendukung Kesehatan Mulut
8. Mempromosikan Pertumbuhan Rambut dan Mengurangi Ketombe
9. Meringankan Gatal
10. Mengusir Bug Secara Alami
11. Mengurangi Mual
12. Memperbaiki Gejala Sakit Lambung
13. Meningkatkan Kesehatan Kulit
14. Perlindungan dan meringankan efek terbakar sinar matahari
15. Potensi Anti-Kanker
Microgenics Ginkgo 7000 - 100 Capsules - Original Australia
Microgenics Ginkgo 7000 - 100 Capsules - Original Australia
Expired Date: 03.2023
Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest plants in the world and is often referred to as a “living fossil.” Gingko biloba extracts are one of the most commonly taken herbal remedies worldwide, and with over 400 studies, one of the best-researched ones.
Gingko is a powerful aid to circulatory problems and has strong antioxidant properties to protect both the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system from damage and the effects of ageing.
▪ High strength formula
▪ Capsule for convenience and better absorption
Adults, take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily, with meals, or as directed by your healthcare professional
Sante FX V Plus Eye Drop 12ml - Eye Drops Original Santen Japan
Sante FX V Plus Eye Drop 12ml - Original Santen Japan
(untuk Lensa Non-Kontak)
Exp. 07.2022
Efektif untuk mata lelah dan merah dengan memasok nutrisi dan memfasilitasi metabolisme jaringan pada mata yang lelah.
Sante FX V + memiliki fitur tetes mata yang menambah nutrisi serta membuat Anda merasa segar. Selain dua jenis asam amino, vitamin B6 juga telah ditambahkan.
Digunakan untuk:
Efektif untuk mata lelah / merah dengan memasok nutrisi dan memperlancar metabolisme jaringan. Selain sensasi yang menenangkan, kaya nutrisi, mendukung mata Anda yang terus bekerja.
Petunjuk penggunaan:
Teteskan 2 hingga 3 tetes sekaligus; 5 hingga 6 kali sehari
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil - Calming 50ml - Original Made in Australia
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil - Calming 50ml
EXP. 01.2025
Thursday Plantation Lavender Oil 100% Murni dan 100% Alami dan bermutu farmasi serbaguna, yang dapat membantu menenangkan, menenangkan dan merilekskan tubuh dan pikiran.
- Secara tradisional digunakan dalam aromaterapi untuk menghilangkan ketegangan saraf dan kecemasan ringan
- Mempromosikan tidur nyenyak dan meningkatkan kualitas tidur
- Memberikan bantuan sementara untuk sakit kepala
- Membantu meringankan gejala eksim
- Memberikan bantuan untuk gatal-gatal pada kulit dan radang kutu, tawon dan gigitan serangga.
Advil Ibuprofen 200mg - Relieves Pain Fast - 20 Liquid Capsules
Advil Ibuprofen 200mg - Relieves Pain Fast - 20 Liquid Capsules
EXP. 04.2022
Kapsul Advil® Liquid mengurangi rasa sakit dengan cepat. Ini dirancang untuk orang dewasa dan anak-anak berusia 12 tahun ke atas yang tidak mampu membiarkan rasa sakit menghentikan hari mereka.
Advil® Liquid Capsules mengandung bentuk ibuprofen cair di dalam cangkang kapsul lunak. Karena sudah dalam format ini, setiap Advil® Liquid Capsule diserap ke dalam sistem Anda lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan tablet ibuprofen biasa, dimana Advil® Liquid Capsules dapat diserap 2X LEBIH CEPAT dibandingkan dengan Tablet Nurofen standar.
1 Kapsul Advil® Liquid diindikasikan untuk meredakan nyeri dan ketidaknyamanan sementara dari sakit kepala, sakit punggung, nyeri otot, nyeri haid, nyeri gigi, nyeri radang sendi ringan, dan nyeri & nyeri yang berhubungan dengan pilek dan flu biasa. Kapsul Advil® Liquid juga mengurangi demam
Blackmores Bio C 1000 Echinacea + Zinc - 10 Effervescent Tablets
Blackmores Bio C 1000 Echinacea + Zinc - 10 Effervescent Tablets
Expired Date: 09.2021
98% sugar free great tasting effervescent including a boost of vitamin C to reduce severity and duration of common cold symptoms.
with Echinacea + zinc to reduce severity and duration of common cold symptoms and support healthy immune system health.
Adults: Take 1 tablet a day with a meal
Children under 18 years: only as professionally prescribed
Rohto Vita 40 α Alpha Eye Drops - 12ml
Rohto Vita 40 α Alpha Eye Drops - 12ml Original Made in Japan
Expired: 04.2023
Tetes mata yang memberikan empat nutrisi penting langsung ke mata dan secara efektif meningkatkan kelelahan mata dan penglihatan kabur.
Vitamin E alami meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan mengurangi ketegangan mata. Vitamin B6 meningkatkan metabolisme mata dan meningkatkan kelelahan. Selain itu, Kondroitin Sulfat Natrium Ester melindungi permukaan kornea mata dan mencegah penyakit mata. Selanjutnya, L-Potassium Aspartate menyerap oksigen di mata dan menyembuhkan kelelahan mata.
Mata kabur (ketika ada banyak mata dan mata), mata lelah, kemerahan konjungtiva, pencegahan penyakit mata (ketika berenang, debu atau keringat memasuki mata, dll.), Blepharitis (luka pada kelopak mata), mata gatal, sinar ultraviolet Peradangan mata lainnya (seperti salju), tidak nyaman ketika mengenakan lensa kontak keras
Dosis Penggunaan: teteskan 2-3 tetes sekaligus, 5-6 kali sehari.
#rohtoeyedrops #rohtovita40alpha #rohtovitaeyedrops
Deep Heat Night Soothing Pain Relief Cream 100g
Deep Heat Night Soothing Pain Relief Cream 100g
Expired Date: 08.2022
High-strength pain relief cream for fast relief of Backache, Muscle Aches and Strains, Arthritic and Joint Pain. Ease and treat pain to help with sleep.
☑️ Muscular Aches and Pain
✅ Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain
☑️ Joint Pain and Stiffness
✅ Sprains and Strains
☑️ Arthritis, Fibrositis and Rheumatism
• SOOTHE - ease and treat pain to help with a better night’s sleep
• FAST – relieve pain quickly before bedtime
• HIGH STRENGTH – a stronger formula to tackle more intense pain
• TARGETED – apply directly onto the painful area
• EFFECTIVE - works by increasing blood flow to the affected area
• EASY-TO-APPLY - non-greasy, absorbs well into the skin and doesn't stain clothes or bed-linen
Apply a thin layer and gently massage into affected area until completely absorbed into the skin. Wash hands immediately after use. Repeat 2-3 times daily as necessary. Store below 30° C.
Rohto LYCEE Contact Eye Drops - 8ml - For Contact Lens Users
Rohto LYCEE Contact Eye Drops - 8ml - For Contact Lens Users - Original Made in Japan
EXP. 02.2022
Ideal untuk mereka yang memiliki mata kering serta sedang mengenakan lensa kontak. Solusi utama untuk mata kering atau mata perih saat menggunakan lensa kontak.
Dengan Formula yang sangat lembut menyegarkan dan menyegarkan mata yang perih dan lelah.
Bagian terbaiknya adalah Anda dapat menggunakannya saat Anda memakai lensa kontak di mata Anda!
Fungsi utama: Untuk melembabkan kembali mata dan memecahkan masalah kekeringan mata.
Keuntungan tambahan: Mengurangi kemerahan dan menyegarkan mata Anda
1 hingga 3 tetes sekaligus, 5 hingga 6 kali sehari.
Saat mengenakan lensa kontak: Basahi kedua sisi lensa kontak dengan 1-2 tetes sekaligus.
Swisse Ultiboost Calcium + Vitamin D 150 Tablets
Swisse Ultiboost Calcium + Vitamin D 150 Tablets
Expired Date: 09.2021
Swisse Ultiboost Calcium + Vitamin D is a premium quality formula to help support healthy bones and teeth and provide a source of calcium which may assist in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis: A diet deficient in calcium may contribute to osteoporosis in later life. Calcium supplementation may assist in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Bone & Teeth Health: Calcium and vitamin D are included to help maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth. The human skeleton consists of 206 bones that provide a framework for the body to help maintain shape, protect vital organs and provide a place for muscles to attach. Bones also function as a site for mineral storage and blood cell formation.
Increased Absorption: Formulated with naturally derived vitamin D3 to promote the absorption and delivery of calcium to the bone.
Calcium requirements may increase dependent on age, gender, diet, pregnancy, lactation and post menopause.
Swisse Ultiboost Calcium + Vitamin D has been formulated based on scientific evidence to provide two beneficial nutrients in a convenient dose.
Suitable For: Bones, Joints & Muscles
Two to three tablets daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Expired Date: 10.2022
DENCORUB EXTRA STRENGTH HEAT GEL contains 26% methyl salicylate, which makes it a concentrated hot formula that gives hours of relief from pain resulting from sprains, strains, painful joints, muscular aches and pains. The clear gel formulation allows for faster penetration and relief.
Apply to the painful area and gently massage until the gel disappears. Repeat 3-4 times daily, or as required.
Nature’s Way Glucosamine & Fish Oil 200 Soft Capsules
Nature’s Way Glucosamine & Fish Oil 200 Soft Capsules
Expired Date: 12.2022
Nature’s Way Glucosamine & Fish Oil contains two great ingredients to help decrease mild joint inflammation* and to support joint mobility*
Glucosamine is considered to be one of the most important nutrients for helping to improve joint mobility and flexibility. It helps promote the production of collagen that helps repair and restore connective tissue including cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
Fish oil contains the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentatonic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These particular acids benefit the body with anti-inflammatory properties to support joint health.
Nature’s Way Glucosamine & Fish Oil is a great combination of two joint health nutrients, to support:
Joint health
Joint mobility/flexibility*
Healthy joint cartilage growth
Nature’s Way Glucosamine & Fish Oil may help with decreasing:
Mild joint aches and pains*
Mild joint inflammation and swelling*
*Associated with symptoms of mild arthritis/mild osteoarthritis
Directions for Use:
Take 3 soft capsules daily with food, or as directed by your health care provider.
Rohto Cool 40α Alpha Vitamin Eye Drops 12ml - Original Rotho Japan
Rohto Cool 40 α Alpha Vitamin Eye Drops 12ml - Original Rotho Japan
Expired: 04.2023
Rotho 40A Cooling Eye Drops mengandung empat vitamin dan asam amino untuk merevitalisasi dan mempromosikan peremajaan mata Anda. Menenangkan dan mendinginkan secara instan, meningkatkan aliran darah ke mata dan mengurangi penglihatan kabur, gatal, alergi, mata merah, dan lelah. Vitamin yang terkandung dalam tetes mata menambah produksi air mata.
Dengan vitamin E dan B6 alami untuk menghilangkan stres mata
Melindungi kornea: mata kering kekurangan kondroitin sulfat, asam amino yang ditemukan dalam air mata Anda dan termasuk dalam Rohto Cool 40α.
Membantu mata menyerap oksigen: Asam aspartat meningkatkan penyerapan oksigen melalui pupil, menghilangkan iritasi mata dan nyeri
Rohto menggunakan skala Cool & Refresing 1 hingga 5. Cool 40α adalah level 5 pada skala tersebut yang memberikan sensasi kejut dingin terbesar.
Tetes mata serba guna ini menenangkan hingga 8 jam. kemasan dalam botol 12ml dengan tutup twist-off.
Deep Heat Low Odour Pain Relief Cream 100g
Deep Heat Low Odour Pain Relief Cream 100g
Expired Date: 07.2022
Deep Heat Low Odour 100g
With Glucosamine, Arnica & Capsaicin
Menggabungkan Glucosamine, Arnica dan Capsaicin tanpa bau yang kuat, dapat membantu bantuan sementara dari rasa sakit yang
terkait dengan Arthritis, osteoarthrithis, nyeri sendi , nyeri punggung, nyeri otot, cedera olah raga serta mengurangi peradangan , pembengkakan, merangsang sirkulasi dan meningkatkan penyembuhan memar
☑️ Muscular Aches and Muscle Pain
✅ Backache, Mild Arthritic and Joint Pain
☑️ Assists in the healing of minor muscle injuries
✅ Reduce Swelling and Inflammation
- LOW ODOUR – fresh scent that is great for work or social occasions
- FAST – relieve pain quickly so you can Get Back in the Game!
- TARGETED – apply directly onto the painful area
- EASY-TO-APPLY - non-greasy, absorbs well into the skin and doesn't stain clothes
FAST TARGETED PAIN RELIEF NATURALLY DERIVED ACTIVE INGREDIENTS A pain relief cream for the relief of Muscle Pain, Mild Arthritic and Joint Pain with a fresh scent great for work or social occasions.
Apply a thin layer and gently massage into affected area until completely absorbed into the skin. Wash hands immediately after use. Use up to 5 times daily. Store below 30° C.
Healthy Care Vitamin E 500IU - 200 Capsules
Healthy Care Vitamin E 500IU - 200 Capsules
Expired Date: 07.2023
Healthy Care Vitamin E 500IU supports heart health.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant which helps reduce free radical damage to body cells. It is formulated to:
- Support heart health.
- Help promote general health and wellbeing
Adults: Take 1 capsule a day with a meal, or as professionally prescribed.
Not suitable for children under 12 years.
Rohto Funnel V5 Grain Eye Supplement 30 Grains - Original Rotho Japan
Rohto Funnel V5 Grain - Eye Supplement 30 Grains - Original Rotho Japan - in Box
Expired: 06.2023
Kemampuan untuk melihat sesuatu didukung oleh lima elemen (retina, otot ciliary, lensa, air mata, aliran darah), dll., Tetapi fungsinya menurun seiring bertambahnya usia. Untuk mempertahankan kemampuan melihat, penting untuk melakukan diet seimbang setiap hari, tetapi Anda disarankan untuk menambahkan suplemen.
Rohto Funnel V5 merupakan vitamin supplement mata mengandung bahan bahan yang dipilih dengan cermat untuk mata, seperti lutein dan zeaxanthin yang bekerja pada retina dan mendukung pemeliharaan kekuatan untuk melihat. Direkomendasikan untuk mereka yang memperhatikan kesehatan mata selamanya.
LION Smile 40EX Cooling Triple Vitamin Eye Drops 15 mL Made in Japan
LION Smile 40EX Cooling Triple Vitamin Eye Drops 15 mL Made in Japan
Expired: 06.2023
Eye drops that help relieve eye fatigue and blurring of the vision, featuring a refreshing cool sensation when applied
Refreshing cool refers comfort
Eye fatigue, blurred vision (due to excess eye mucus, etc.), bloodshot conjunctiva, itchy eyes, blepharitis (inflamed eyelids), eye trouble prevention (after swimming, after getting dust or sweat in the eyes, etc.), inflammation of the eye due to ultraviolet or other light (such as snow blindness, discomfort when wearing hard contact lenses
Dosage: Use 3 to 6 times a day, 1 to 3 drops in each eye.
Nature’s Way Joint Restore Osteo Krill - 50 Soft Gel Capsules
Nature’s Way Joint Restore Osteo Krill - 50 Soft Gel Capsules
Expired Date: 02.2023
Nature’s Way Joint Restore Osteo Krill combines three key ingredients to help support joint health.
Glucosamine is a key nutrient for helping to improve joint mobility and flexibility. It helps restore connective tissue including cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
Both fish oil and krill oil contain the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentatonic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These particular acids contain anti-inflammatory properties.
Nature’s Way Joint Restore Osteo Krill is a great combination of three joint health nutrients, to support:
- Joint health
- Joint mobility/flexibility*
Healthy joint cartilage growth
Nature’s Way Joint Restore Osteo Krill may help with decreasing:
Mild joint aches and pains*
Mild joint inflammation and swelling*
*Associated with the symptoms of mild arthritis/mild osteoarthritis
Adults: 2 soft capsules daily with food or as advised by your healthcare professional.
Otsuka Oronain H Ointment - Tube 50g - Original Made in Japan
Otsuka Oronain H Ointment Tube - 50g - Original Made in Japan
Expired: 04.2025
Cream ini Berkhasiat dengan banyak kegunaan, Untuk pengobatan Jerawat, Luka Ringan, Lecet, atau Luka Tusukan, Untuk perawatan Luka Bakar Ringan.
Untuk perawatan Luka Kecil akibat dari benda tajam seperti pisau atau pisau cukur,
Untuk sebagian orang bisa juga untuk perawatan Kurap.
Untuk perawatan Kulit Pecah-Pecah , menghilangkan Bekas Gigitan Nyamuk, dll.
Dosis Pemakaian:
- Jumlah yang dioleskan disesuaikan dengan kondisi area yang terkena. Oleskan pada kapas, dll., Atau oleskan langsung ke area yang terkena dengan jari bersih.
- Saat menggunakan untuk anak-anak, harap gunakan di bawah bimbingan dan pengawasan orang tua.
- Berhati-hatilah agar tidak terkena di matamu. Jika sampai mengenai mata Anda, segera cuci dengan air atau air hangat. Jika Anda mengalami gejala yang parah, silakan berkonsultasi dengan dokter mata.
- Gunakan Cream ini hanya untuk penggunaan luar.
- Bersihkan area yang terkena dampak dan sekitarnya sebelum digunakan.
Kobayashi INOCHI NO HAHA - Women Hormone Balance Supplement - 420 Tabs
Kobayashi INOCHI NO HAHA - Mother of Life Hormone Balance Supplement - 420 Tablets - Original Japan
Expired: 06.2023
Kobayashi Inochi No Haha Mother of Life A Supplements Menopause, Medical Tablets for relief Menopause Symptoms 420 tablets
Mengandung 13 jenis obat herbal, adalah vitamin, kalsium, obat kompleks yang diformulasikan taurin, lesitin, dll. (Obat wanita).
Mendorong sirkulasi darah, yang menghangatkan tubuh, untuk memperbaiki gangguan berbagai hormon tubuh dan wanita terjadi dari ketidakseimbangan saraf otonom,
Baik untuk Menopause, neurosis menopause, penyakit Chinomichi, hot flashes, menstruasi tidak teratur, nyeri haid, leher kaku, sensitivitas terhadap dingin, kulit kasar, pusing, tinnitus, jantung berdebar, anemia, jerawat, sembelit, histeria, sebelum dan setelah melahirkan, perut sakit punggung bawah, tekanan darah abnormal.
Dosis :
Adult (diatas 15 tahun): 1 Kali 4 tablets - 3 kali setiap hari
Dibawah 15 tahun: dilarang minum/Tidak di anjurkan
Nature’s Way Magnesium Chelete 100mg - 100 Film Coated Tablets
Nature’s Way Magnesium Chelete 100mg - 100 Film Coated Tablets
Expired Date: 07.2023
Merupakan suplemen yang berguna untuk mengatasi kram dan nyeri otot, mengurangi stres, dan meredakan sakit kepala.
Magnesium Chelate dianggap sebagai salah satu bentuk magnesium yang paling mudah diserap yang tersedia untuk otot .
Magnesium memainkan peran penting dalam tubuh dan diperlukan untuk fungsi saraf serta fungsi otot normal. Magnesium juga merupakan nutrisi penting bagi tubuh untuk membantu mendukung sistem kardiovaskular dan dapat membantu menghilangkan gejala pramenstruasi.
Juga dapat membantu mengurangi kekakuan otot, meredakan kram, nyeri otot, mendukung kesehatan Kardiovaskular, dan meredakan gejala PMS. Selain itu, suplemen ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi stres, rasa cemas, masalah tidur, dan mengurangi migrain.
Dosis : Dewasa: 1 tablet setiap hari setelah makan
Rohto Gold G40 Vitamin Eye Drops 20ml - Original Rotho Japan
Rohto Gold G40 Vitamin Eye Drops 20ml - Original Rotho Japan
Expired: 06.2023
Rohto Gold 40 adalah tetes mata yang berfokus pada mata setengah baya dan lebih tua. Semua enam bahan aktif dikombinasikan pada konsentrasi maksimum * 1 untuk secara efektif mengurangi mata kusam * 2 dan kelelahan. Dianjurkan untuk orang paruh baya dan lebih tua dan mereka yang matanya cenderung lelah karena banyak menggunakan komputer, Handphone & TV. Segarkan mata Anda yang lelah dan rasakan kesegaran.
* 1: Kombinasi konsentrasi maksimum untuk standar persetujuan pabrikasi obat ophthalmic umum
* 2: Saat ada banyak mata
KOKANDO Byurakku A - 400 Tabs Constipation Relief Slimming Supplements
KOKANDO Byurakku A - 400 Tablets Constipation Relief Slimming Pink Supplements Japan
Expired: 06.2023
Kokando Byurakku Slimming Pink Pills for Anti-Constipation, Healthy Detox & Colon Cleansing that would result to Body’s Natural Weight Loss. (Most Effective Laxative)
Easiest way to burn fats, slim down in just a week, and detoxify.
This product works more strongly and rapidly than herbal laxatives such as rhubarb and senna.
Especially effective for obstinate and chronic constipation.
Constipation is often caused by weakened intestinal peristalsis due to stress or fatigue.
Vitamin B1 ingestion is recommended for better effect on intestinal peristalsis.
Bisacodyl, the main ingredient, stimulates colonic mucosa to increase intestinal peristalsis.
It also promotes bowel movements to activate defecation reflex.
Constipation - Following symptoms of relaxation associated with constipation: hot flashes, pimples, anorexia (loss of appetite), Abdominal distension, abnormal intestinal block, hemorrhoids.
Bisacodyl, the main ingredient, stimulates colonic mucosa to increase intestinal peristalsis. It also promotes bowel movements to activate defecation reflex.
This product works more strongly and rapidly than herbal laxatives such as rhubarb and senna.
Especially effective for obstinate and chronic constipation.
Take the following dose with water or warm water without chewing.
Adults (15 years and over): 2 or 3 tablets once a day, before bedtime
Children (11-14 years): 1 or 2 tablets once a day, before bedtime
Below 11 years: Not allowed
Start medication with the minimum dose, and adjust the dosage according to your bowel movements.
• Maximum daily dose: 3 tablets
Rohto Gold M40 Vitamin Eye Drops 20ml - Original Rotho Japan
Rohto Gold M40 Vitamin Eye Drops 20ml - Original Rotho Japan
Expired: 05.2023
Rohto Gold G40 Mild Type adalah Obat tetes mata yang berfokus pada mata setengah baya dan lebih tua. Berisi semua enam bahan aktif pada konsentrasi maksimum * 1 untuk secara efektif mengurangi kekaburan * 2 dan kelelahan. Dianjurkan untuk orang paruh baya dan mereka yang cenderung lelah karena operasi komputer. Ini adalah sensasi ringan yang tidak menodai mata yang sensitif.
* 1: Dikombinasikan dengan konsentrasi maksimum Obat Oftalmik yang disetujui untuk pembuatan obat opthalmik serba guna
* 2: Saat ada banyak mata
Mata kabur (misalnya, ketika ada banyak mata), kelelahan mata, kongesti konjungtiva, pencegahan penyakit mata (misalnya, ketika debu atau keringat memasuki mata setelah berenang), blepharitis (nyeri kelopak mata), mata gatal, sinar ultraviolet Peradangan mata yang disebabkan oleh sinar lain (mata bersalju, dll.), Tidak nyaman ketika mengenakan lensa kontak keras
Penggunaan dan dosis:
Teteskan 2-3 tetes sekaligus, 5-6 kali sehari.
* Jangan gunakan dengan lensa kontak lunak.
Swisse Ultiboost Zinc + 60 Tablets
Swisse Ultiboost Zinc + 60 Tablets
Expired Date: 05.2022
formula berkualitas premium untuk mendukung fungsi kekebalan tubuh, kulit yang sehat dan membantu kesehatan reproduksi.
Zinc sangat penting untuk perawatan kesehatan yang baik dan merupakan salah satu mineral yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam tubuh.
Fungsi Kekebalan Tubuh: Zinc memainkan peran penting dalam pemeliharaan dan berfungsinya sistem kekebalan tubuh yang sehat.
Kesehatan Kulit+: Zinc penting untuk mendukung fungsi kulit yang sehat dan penyembuhan luka ringan.
Kesehatan Reproduksi: Zinc penting bagi kesehatan reproduksi pria dan wanita. Seng juga berperan penting dalam produksi sperma dan testosteron yang sehat.
Kesehatan umum: Zinc membantu menjaga rasa dan bau yang sehat serta membantu mendukung metabolisme protein, lemak, dan karbohidrat. Vitamin A, B6, dan magnesium disertakan untuk mendukung kesejahteraan.
DOSIS DEWASA : Satu tablet setiap hari
Healthy Care Super Colostrum 400mg - 200 Chewable Tablets
Healthy Care Super Colostrum 400mg - 200 Chewable Tablets - Original Australia
Expired date: 09.2021
Healthy Care Super Colostrum 400mg enhances general wellbeing and maintains a healthy immune system.
Healthy Care Super Colostrum has been specially formulated to provide a strong dose of immunoglobulins that will enhance general wellbeing and maintain a healthy immune system function.
Other benefits:
- Suitable for adults and children.
- Maintains a healthy immune system.
- Enhances general health and wellbeing.
Dosage: Adults and Children over 12 years old: Chew 4 - 6 tablets daily, or as prescribed by your healthcare professional.
Japan Ohta's Isan Gastric Antacid Powder - 48 Sachets for Stomach
Japan Ohta's Isan Gastric Antacid Powder - 48 Sachets for Stomach
Expired: 01.2024
Modern eating habits involve irregular eating and having too much food preferences are burdensome on the stomach. Ohta's Isan (sachet) is a gastrointestinal medicine that suits contemporary diet and includes antacids and digestive enzymes in a healthy gastric medicine (natural medicine). It expresses a mild and excellent effect to unpleasant symptoms like having excess alcohol, heartburn, heavy stomach. Help us promote Ohta's Isan (sachet) so that you can spend your everyday life comfortably. ○ An herbal medicine that improves stomach function. It has an effective formulation of seven kinds of healthy ingredients good for the stomach, and helps improve unpleasant symptoms such as having excess alcohol, indigestion, heavy stomach. Also healthy galenic medicines are effective for people with weak stomach and those without any appetite.
○ By adding an antacids for different gastric acid neutralizing action, it adjusts the acidity in the stomach, greatly relieves heartburn, stomach pain, stomach discomfort, and digestive enzymes that makes the stomach easily function.
○ Refreshing flavor and reliable efficacy. It is in the form of powder that highlights its aromatic taste and efficacy peculiar to herbal medicines. The flavor of the herbal medicine brings a refreshing feeling with the cooling sensation of l-menthol, coupled with the action of the antacid. Since it is powder, it acts quickly in the stomach.
Ohta's isan adalah obat bubuk yang sangat Bermanfaat bagi kesehatan pencernaan, membantu masalah pada lambung, maag dan pencernaan lainnya seperti kebanyakan gas pada perut akibat kebanyakan makan, minum alkohol, mual, sesak dada karena asam lambung, heart burn atau dada terasa panas karena asam lambung, mencret serta diare.
Diminum sesudah Makan!!!
Dewasa (15 tahun ke atas): 3 x 1 hari 1 sachet
Remaja (8 sampai 14 tahun): 3 x 1 hari 0.5 sachet
Dibawah 8 thn dilarang Minum
ROHTO Junior Kids V Rohto Eye Drops 13ml – Made in Japan
ROHTO Junior Kids V Rohto Eye Drops 13ml – Made in Japan
COOL LEVEL 0 ☆☆☆☆☆
Expired: 08.2022
For students concentrating long hours on studying or in club activities, the ability to keep focused is reduced as the eyes get tired and it becomes more difficult to see. This product helps refresh tired eyes by acting on the ability to focus clearly with the highest concentrations of vitamin B12 and neostigmine methyl sulfate*. This well-balanced combination of 5 ingredients relieves eye congestion and irritation.
*: Highest concentration of approved standard ophthalmic medication.
Rohto produces leading eye drops in Japan, trusted since its establishment in 1899.
This product is recommended for tired eyes, conjunctivitis, eye disease prevention (after swimming, when particles enter the eye), eye irritation, bleariness (from discharge), inflamed eyes (from ultraviolet rays), inflamed eyelids and discomfort when using hard contact lenses.
Special Features:
Vitamin B12: Improves ability to restore focus
Neostigmine methylsulfate: Acts directly on nerves to improve focus
Chondroitin sulfate ester sodium: Maintains cornea
Vitamin B6: Promotes metabolism
Chlorpheniramine maleate: Antihistamine
Free-angled nozzle: Making it easy to apply, even for children
One-touch screw cap: Turn once to the left to open, once to the right to close. It’s simple and convenient.
Children under 15 (Elementary and Middle school students): 1-3 drops, 5-6 times daily.
1) Only to be used on small children when supervised by an adult.
2) Do not let the tip of the applicator touch any part of the eye as it can cause contamination. Do not use if opaque.
3) Do not use when wearing soft contact lenses.
4) Only for application to the eyes.
Minyak Obat Gosok Cap NONA MAS - 30ml
Minyak Obat Gosok Cap NONA MAS - 30ml
Expired: 09.2021
Di buat secara turun temurun dari ramuan tradisional. Kemujarabannya sudah terkenal di Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur sejak Tahun 1908. Kini telah diperkenalkan warisan leluhur ini secara lebih luas kepada seluruh lapisan Masyarakat untuk mencobanya. Karena minyak obat gosok ini telah banyak membantu dan menyembuhkan bermacam-macam penyakit.
1. Khusus untuk anak-anak
Meredakan Demam, Perut Kembung, Masuk Angin, Terlambat Berjalan.
Oleskan ke seluruh tubuh atau bagian tubuh yg sakit.
2. Sakit Nyeri Otot Dan Tulang
Melemaskan otot dan memperlancar peredaran darah, memar/bengkak akibat benturan, keseleo, pegal linu, otot leher kaku, sakit pinggang, badan terasa lelah
3. Penyakit Kulit
Bisul-bisul, digigit serangga/binatang berbisa, gatal-gatal, kudis, kurap, kutu air, tersiram air panas, luka, luka bakar
4. Penyakit Bagian Kepala
Sakit Kepala, Sakit Telinga (Telinga infeksi/bernanah), Sakit Gigi
5. Penyakit Lain
Ambeien, batuk pilek, melegakan pernapasan, mabuk dalam perjalanan, muntah-muntah, sakit perut, serta Untuk memperlancar/mempermudah wanita pada saat akan melahirkan minumlah minyak obat gosok Cap Nona Mas 1 sendok makan, lebih baik ditambah 2 sendok makan madu dan 1 butir kuning telur ayam kampung
Cocok sekali untuk OLAHRAGAWAN dan PEKERJA KERAS
SUNSTAR Ora2 Premium Breath Fragrance Mouthwash - 10ml 3 Sticks
SUNSTAR Ora2 Premium Breath Fragrance Mouthwash - 10ml 3 Sticks Travel Pack
A fragrance inspired flavor that spreads the scent into your mouth, giving you a slightly scented breath.
With 2 selected flavors:
1. AQUATIC CITRUS - A refreshing aquatic citrus flavor of citrus and marine.
2. FRUITY FLORAL - A gorgeous fruity floral flavor of rose and berry
Manufactured Date : 04.2019
Expired Date: 04.2022
Designed by the concept of perfume, a mouthwash with the aroma of the top, middle and back. A faint scent of perfume in the mouth, breaths like a flower blooms.
A moisturizing ingredient, sodium hyaluronate, is used to provide a thick and moisturizing feel for comfortable breath care. It is a non-alcoholic type that does not tingle.
Stick type can be used up one by one depending on your lifestyle, so you can easily use it in various scenarios, such as going out, at the office, traveling and so on, or keep it in your cosmetic pouch.
- Add hyaluronic acid (moisturizing ingredients) to keep your mouth moisturized.
- No alcohol, mild and not irirritating
SWISSE Ultiboost Odourless 4 X Strength WILD FISH OIL Concentrate 1800
SWISSE Ultiboost Odourless 4 X Strength WILD FISH OIL Concentrate 1800mg - 60 Capsules - Original Australia
Expired date: 01.2023
Swisse Ultiboost Odourless 4 X Strength Wild Fish Oil Concentrate has been formulated based on scientific evidence to support general health and wellbeing in a convenient and concentrated dose.
The body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, so they must be obtained from the diet. Each capsule contains 4 times more EPA and DHA than a standard 1,000mg fish oil capsule.
Anti-inflammatory & Joint Health: Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that fish oil may assist with the symptomatic relief of mild arthritis such as joint pain and inflammation.
Support During Pregnancy & Breastfeeding: Omega-3 fatty acids support the development of a healthy baby, as the developing foetus relies solely on the mother for supply of omega-3. Maternal DHA intake contributes to the normal brain and eye development of foetus and breastfed infants.
Heart & Cardiovascular Health: Omega-3 fatty acids support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. EPA and DHA also help maintain normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels in healthy individuals.
Brain & Nervous System Health: DHA helps support brain and cognitive health, as well as helping to maintain the structure of a healthy nervous system. The nervous system is the communication centre responsible for sending messages around the body.
Healthy Mood Balance: Fish oil helps support healthy mood balance.
Eye Health: High concentrations of DHA are found in the retina of the eye. DHA helps maintain normal vision and eye health.
General Health: 1 capsule daily.
Brain Health and Nervous System Support: 1 capsule daily.
Cardiovascular and Eye Health: 1 capsule daily.
Mood Balance: 2 capsules daily.
Healthy Triglyceride Levels: 2 capsules daily.
Joint Support: 3 capsules daily.
Take during or immediately after meal
SUNSTAR Ora2 Premium Stain Clear Toothpaste 100g - Premium Mint
SUNSTAR Ora2 Premium Stain Clear Toothpaste 100g - Premium Mint Refresh Flavor
Expired: 04.2023
Shining white ingredient * for whitening and luster of teeth with 16 kinds of natural ingredients (fragrances) containing high-
quality aroma full of freshness
Stain care up a notch, white and glossy beautiful teeth.
A higher level of stain care not only removes stains (colored stains) more finely than before, but also gently brushes the tooth surface to make white and glossy teeth. Premium mint flavor with a refreshing, high-quality fragrance.
The shiny white component (cleaning aid) removes stains (colored stains) together with the cleansing agent to polish the tooth surface carefully and make the teeth white and glossy.
Contains vitamin E.
You can feel the crisp particle feeling in your mouth and the delicate pearly white glossy gloss of toothpaste.It is a premium flavor that emphasizes the quality of adults, with a focus on ingredients.
#sunstar #ora2premium #stainremovaltoothpaste
SWISSE Beauty Collagen Glow with Collagen Peptides - 60 Tablets
SWISSE Beauty Collagen Glow with Collagen Peptides - 60 Tablets - Original Australia
Expired Date: 01.2022
Swisse Beauty Collagen Glow with Collagen Peptides - Grape seed & co-enzyme Q10 supports skin elasticity and firmness. Based on scientific evidence.
Swisse Beauty Collagen Glow with Collagen Peptides is a premium quality formula to support collagen production, skin elasticity and firmness. This beauty supplement is specially formulated with:
- Collagen peptides from type I and III collagen - collagen is a major protein found in connective tissues and important for the skin's matrix.
- Vitamin C to support collagen formation, skin repair and skin elasticity.
- Grape seed, co-enzyme Q10 and vitamin E to provide antioxidant support and help reduce free radical damage to body cells.
Product Claims: No added lactose, gluten, yeast, egg or artificial flavours.
- ADULT DOSAGE: 3 tablets daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
CENOVIS Vitamin C Sugarless C 500mg - 300 Chewable Tablets
CENOVIS Vitamin C Sugarless C 500mg - 300 Chewable Tablets
Expired Date: 04.2023
Cenovis Sugarless C 500mg is a Vitamin C formula with orange flavour in a chewable tablet. As Vitamin C is not stored in the body, regular intake is desirable.
Reduces the duration and relieves severity of common cold symptoms
Supports healthy immune system function
Helps enhance absorption of dietary iron
Supports minor wound healing
Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps reduce free radicals formed in the body
Supports collagen formation
Adults and children from 12 years: chew 2 tablets daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Children aged 7-11 years: chew 1 tablet daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Sunstar ORA2 Premium Stain Clear Toothpaste 100g Aromatic Mint Flavor
Sunstar ORA2 Premium Stain Clear Toothpaste 100g with Aromatic Mint Flavor
Expired: 04.2023
Shiny white ingredient for whitening and luster of teeth,A higher level of stain care for beautiful, shiny white teeth.
With a higher level of stain care, it not only removes stains (colored dirt) more finely than before, but also carefully polish the tooth surface to make white and glossy teeth. Aromatic mint flavor South of French lavender essence (perfume) blended fragrance comforting comfortably with a pleasant and relaxing scent.
CENOVIS MEGA C 1000mg Vitamin C - 60 Chewable Tablets - Original Australia
CENOVIS MEGA C 1000mg Vitamin C - 60 Chewable Tablets - Original Australia
Expired Date: 04.2022
Cenovis® MEGA C 1000mg is a high strength Vitamin C with a pleasant orange flavour in a chewable tablet. As Vitamin C is not stored in the body, regular intake is desirable.
Reduces duration and severity of common cold symptoms
Supports healthy immune system function
Supports wound healing and collagen formation
Assists healthy bone development
Vitamin C is an antioxidant, reducing free radicals formed in the body
Dosage: Adults: chew 1 to 2 tablets daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional. Chew before swallowing
Sunstar ORA2 Premium Stain Clear Toothpaste 100g - Citrus Mint Flavor
Sunstar ORA2 Premium Stain Clear Toothpaste 100g with Citrus Mint Flavor
Expired: 04.2023
Shiny white ingredient for whitening and luster of teeth
A higher level of stain care for beautiful, shiny white teeth.
With a higher level of stain care, it not only removes stains (colored dirt) more finely than before, but also carefully polish the tooth surface to make white and glossy teeth. Shiny citrus mint flavor that mixes four carefully selected Mediterranean citrus fruits in a well-balanced aroma popping Fresh manner.
Kobayashi Atnon Aocure 5g - For Internal Bleeding Blue Bruises Cream
Kobayashi Atnon Aocure 5g - For Internal Bleeding with Blue Bruises Cream
A topical treatment to treat internal bleeding and swelling with blue bruises caused by bruising, etc.
Effective two active ingredients promote blood circulation, remove stagnant blood and improve noticeable symptoms masu
Easily fit to the skin, is a cream base of sticking to remain in the affected area
Trauma (bruises, sprains, etc.) scars caused by swelling, bleeding, burns and personal injury, frostbite, fingers keratinocytes, stiff neck, muscle pain
SWISSE CO-ENZYME Q10 150mg - 180 Capsules - Original Australia
SWISSE CO-ENZYME Q10 150mg - 180 Capsules - Original Australia
Expired: 08/2021
Supports Heart Health and Cellular Energy Production - ANTIOXIDANT
Base on Scientific Evidence
Coenzyme Q10 (ubidecarenone) 150mg HEART HEALTH - 180 Capsules ONE A DAY
Swisse Ultiboost Co-Enzyme Q10 is a premium quality, one-a-day formula to help maintain cardiovascular health and support healthy antioxidant activity.
Heart Health: Co-Enzyme Q10 is important for heart health and supports a healthy cardiovascular system.
Antioxidant Support: Co-Enzyme Q10 provides antioxidant support to protect cell membranes against free radical damage. It may also help regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E.
Cellular Energy Production: Co-Enzyme Q10 occurs naturally in most cells of the body and plays a vital role in the body's cellular energy production processes.
Aging Support: There may be an increased need for supplemental co-enzyme Q10 in the elderly due to levels decreasing with age.
ADULT DOSAGE: One capsule daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Swisse Ultiboost Co-enzyme Q10 diformulasikan berdasarkan bukti ilmiah untuk memberikan dosis kebutuhan 1 kapsul per hari, berkualitas premium untuk membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung dan mendukung aktivitas antioksidan yang sehat.
Untuk kesehatan Jantung: Co-enzyme Q10 penting untuk kesehatan jantung dan mendukung sistem kardiovaskular yang sehat
Dukungan Antioksidan: Co-enzyme Q10 memberikan dukungan antioksidan untuk melindungi membran sel terhadap kerusakan akibat radikal bebas. Ini juga dapat membantu regenerasi antioksidan lain seperti vitamin E
Produksi Energi Seluler: Co-enzyme Q10 terjadi secara alami di sebagian besar sel tubuh dan memainkan peran vital dalam proses produksi energi seluler tubuh
Usia Lanjut: Ada peningkatan kebutuhan untuk co-enzim tambahan Q10 pada orang tua karena kadar menurun dengan bertambahnya usia.
Dosis Dewasa : 1 kapsul/hari setelah makan
KOBAYASHI Keshimin Cream EX 12g
Premium formula with W anti-smudge component that suppresses melanin generation and prevents stains and freckles
1. Vitamin C derivative * and arbutin's W stain countermeasures * Ingredients are intensively permeated throughout the stratum corneum to suppress melanin formation.
2. Contains vitamin E to promote blood circulation.
3. Uses virginia white * 2 to make skin clear.
* L-ascorbic acid 2-glucoside
* Prevents melanin formation and prevents stains and freckles
* 2 Complex component of prune enzymatic degradation product and honoki extract (moisturizing component)
Suppresses the production of melanin and prevents spots and freckles. That skin. That nature. Keep skin healthy.
Prepare your skin. Moisturizes the skin. Prevents hot flashes after sunburn / snow. Tighten the skin.
After preparing your skin with lotion, take an appropriate amount and apply it to your skin. Can also be used on the entire face.
OSTELIN Calcium and Vitamin D3 - 300 Tablets - Original Australia
OSTELIN Calcium and Vitamin D3 Tablets - 300 Tablets - Original Australia
Expired: 12.2022
Boosts Calcium Intake and Absorption - Maintains Bone and Muscle Strength
Ostelin Calcium & Vitamin D3 contains calcium and Vitamin D3, in the form found naturally in the body. They have a convenient 2-a-day dosage.
Calcium is an important nutrient to support bone strength and bone density, and it also assists healthy bone development in teenagers. A diet deficient in Calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life. Calcium may also help prevent osteoporosis when dietary intake is inadequate.
Vitamin D is an important nutrient as it:
• Helps boost calcium absorption
• Maintains bone and muscle strength
• Supports a healthy immune system function
Contains soya/soya bean products.
Contains no added: Gluten, lactose, artificial colours, artificial flavours, artificial sweeteners, artificial preservatives or dairy products.
Teenagers 13 -18 years and
Adults: Take 2 tablets daily or as directed by your healthcare professional
Healthy Care Vitamin C 500mg - 500 Chewable Tablets - Original Australia
Healthy Care Vitamin C 500mg - 500 Chewable Tablets - Original Australia
Healthy Care Vitamin C 500mg supports immune system health.
Expired: 04/2023
Vitamin C is an important nutritional antioxidant, protecting the body from the effects of free radicals.
Healthy Care Vitamin C 500mg is useful for Vitamin C supplementation and assists in the maintenance of general health and wellbeing.
- Antioxidant.
- Helps reduce free radical damage to body cells.
- Helps enhance collagen formation.
- Maintain general health and wellbeing.
- Maintain immune system health and function.
- Reduce common cold duration.
- Relieve the severity of common cold symptoms.
- Helps support wound healing.
Product Claims: No added nuts, sugar, milk, dairy, dairy, gluten or egg.
Boxed Contents: 500 chewable tablets.
Taisho Japan PABRON GOLD A Comprehensive Cold Medicine 210 Tablets
Taisho PABRON GOLD A Comprehensive Cold Medicine 210 Tablets - Original Japan
EXP. Date: 02.2023
Pabron Gold A adalah obat flu yang paling populer di Jepang. Obat FLU dengan sejarah lebih dari setengah abad, yang terus berinovasi dan mengembangkan obat flu yang lebih efektif dan lebih cepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.
Obat FLU PABRON GOLD A (Tablets) dengan Campuran vitamin B1-B2, analgesik antipiretik, dan antihistamin. dapat membantu mengeluarkan virus yang menyebabkan pilek menempel pada tenggorokan, dan meringankan gejala batuk, sakit tenggorokan, sakit kepala, demam dan pilek seperti hidung tersumbat.
Efek dan gejala yang sesuai:
Meredakan gejala pilek (batuk, berdahak, sakit tenggorokan, bersin, pilek, hidung berair, hidung tersumbat, menggigil, demam, sakit kepala, nyeri sendi, nyeri otot).
Bahan (Kandungan setiap 3 kapsul):
Guaifenesin 60 mg (bertindak untuk membuat dahak pekat lebih mudah dikeluarkan).
Dihydrocodeinephosphate 8 mg (bekerja pada pusat batuk, antitusif efektif.)
Dl-methylephedrinehydrochloride 20 mg (menenangkan sesak bronkial, membersihkan saluran pernapasan, menghilangkan batuk.)
Acetaminophen 300 mg (analgesik antipiretik, meredakan demam, sakit kepala, sakit tenggorokan, dll.)
Chlorpheniraminemaleate 2,5 mg (antihistamin, penghambatan bersin, pilek, hidung tersumbat dan gejala lainnya.)
Kafein anhidrat 25 mg (untuk mengobati sakit kepala.)
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 4 mg (vitamin yang mudah hilang saat Anda masuk angin).
Dengan meminum obat ini, normal jika air seni berwarna kuning, ini disebabkan oleh obat yang mengandung vitamin B2, mohon jangan khawatir.
3 kali sehari (diminum dalam 30 menit setelah makan)
- 15 tahun atau lebih 3 buah / waktu
- 11 tahun hingga di bawah 15 tahun 2 lembar / waktu
- Berusia di bawah 11 tahun dilarang minum
#obatflu #obatpilek #obatdemam #obatperedasakit #obatperedanyeri
Kebijakan Pengembalian Produk
Pembelian bersifat final dan tidak dapat di kembalikan, kecuali produk yang terkirim di dapati tidak sesuai dengan kualitas maupun foto, ataupun diketemukan ada nya cacat pada produk
12 May 2016 00:32 WIBSelengkapnya
Produk kami adalah ASLI Original % dan selalu READY STOCK !!
Barang yang di order Dari Urban Depo selambatnya jam 15:00 sore, masih dapat dikirimkan pada hari yang sama.Apabila barang di order Dari Urban Depo setelah diatas jam 15:00 sore, maka Hanya dapat dikirimkan pada hari kerja berikutnya.khusus Nya untuk order diterima Oleh Urban Depo pada hari jumat setelah diatas jam 15:00 sore atau hari Sabtu/Minggu, maka seluruh pengiriman Hanya dapat dilaksanakan pada hari senin berikutnya saja.
16 Jan 2020 20:42 WIBSelengkapnya
Taisho Japan PABRON GOLD A Comprehensive Cold Medicine 210 Tablets
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Taisho Japan PABRON GOLD A Comprehensive Cold Medicine 210 Tablets
Healthy Care Ultra Premium Propolis 3800mg - 200 Capsules
Healthy Care Ultra Premium Propolis 3800mg - 200 Capsules - Original Australia
Expired: 01/2023
Healthy Care Propolis 3800 200 Capsules is a rich source of antioxidants to maintain healthy immune system function.
Propolis 3800 is a rich source of flavonoids and phenolic compounds to support immune system health.
It also contains antioxidants which provide health benefits:
- Helps promote general health and wellbeing.
- Helps reduce free radical damage to body cells.
Product Claims: No added sugar, starch, yeast, salt or preservatives.
Adults take 1 capsule daily with meal or as directed by your healthcare professional.
- Anti Oksidan (anti penyakit kanker).
- Detoksifikasi (untuk membuang racun dalam tubuh).
- Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh/imunitas.
- Mengandung nutrisi yang sangat tinggi.
- Mengandung semua vitamin kecuali vitamin K (satu soft jel propolis sama dengan 500 buah jeruk. Disamping itu, propolis kaya akan asam amino, vitamin-vitamin, dan bioflavonoids. Propolis mampu menyembuhkan penyakit diabetes, penyakit yang tidak bisa disembuhkan secara medis. Propolis juga mampu menyembuhkan penderita kanker stadium lanjut yang telah divonis tidak memliki harapan. Beberapa penyakit maut lain seperti sakit jantung, stroke, hepatitis, batu ginjal, gagal ginjal, dan bahkan penyakit AIDS yang diakibatkan oleh virus HIV juga mampu disembuhkan.).
- Mengandung 16 jenis asam amino dan mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh manusia.
- Membantu menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit, terutama penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh virus, bakteri dan jamur.
Panadol OSTEO - 96 Caplets
Panadol OSTEO - 96 Caplets
EXP. 12.2022
Panadol Osteo adalah tablet bi-layer yang dipatenkan yang menggabungkan pelepasan segera dan dosis pelepasan berkelanjutan untuk membantu mengelola osteoartritis. Ini dapat memberikan bantuan jangka panjang dari rasa sakit yang terus-menerus. Panadol Osteo bisa menjadi pilihan yang nyaman, mengandung dosis parasetamol yang lebih tinggi daripada tablet Panadol biasa. Dengan hanya 3 dosis harian, masing-masing berlangsung hingga 8 jam, Panadol Osteo dapat memberikan bantuan 24 jam dari rasa sakit.
Healthy Care Vitamin D3 1000IU - 250 Softgel - Original Australia
Healthy Care Vitamin D3 1000IU - 250 Softgel Capsules - Original Australia
Expired: 07.2023
Vitamin D is important for bone health. It can help calcium absorption, maintain serum calcium and phosphorus levels, which is critical for the development and the bone mineral density of bones and teeth. It can also support the health & function of the immune system.
A diet deficient in Vitamin D may lead to Osteoporosis. Vitamin D is mainly produced in our skin by a reaction that requires sunlight. People who limit their exposure to sunlight may have an increased need for Vitamin D supplementation.
Aids, assists and helps in the maintenance of general well-being.
Helps calcium absorption.
Supports healthy immune system.
Maintain the development and maintenance of teeth and bones.
Support healthy bone mineral density.
Adults take 1 capsule daily with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Not commended for children under 12 years unless professionally prescribed.